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  • hoenesal

First Run a Success!

A day behind, but got Hank and the initially modified canoe out onto Bull Shoals the other day. Trying to keep my goals realistic, I focused on the potential deal-breakers with this first run:

  1. The canoe floated.

  2. Hank didn't jump out (he also didn't jump in by himself yet, but we'll work on that).

  3. Hank learned he can swim.

  4. I was able to un-swamp the canoe by myself, albeit in shallow water this time.

Physically testing these actions highlighted a couple of things that I'll be able to adjust for or focus on differently:

  1. Modifications that extend past the edges of the canoe will be a consideration in the event I have tip the canoe on its side (capsizing, when it rains, etc.).

  2. I need one longer paddle if I'm going to stand and paddle a portion of the time as intended. The ones I have don't reach the water with enough leverage.

  3. Hank needs to be treated as cargo in the planning process. Have to remember to leave him a good amount of space away from the paddlers.

  4. I think I'll have more configurable flexibility if I re-think the bungee modifications. I was going to stretch the bungee in alternating patterns across the canoe in all four locations. I think I may only do that in the bow and stern now to keep the middle of the canoe open. Need to think on that.

  5. I MUST have a good seat if I'm going to sit in it for more than 100 days straight.

Seem like pretty common sense things in hindsight. All in all, great lessons learned and it was a good confidence booster. Still have some work to do.

Please comment if you have thoughts, questions or experience with any of this! Appreciate any dialogue or input that will help me think through thing

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