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Lake Sharpe


First days sailing on Lake Sharpe. Not bad, not huge winds, but enough to keep the sail out of the way.

Made it 25 miles, and another 18 yesterday, so almost through this lake. Found a great little cove tucked away from the wind to camp before heading into Big Bend, and got some much needed play time in for the first mate.

I knew hard SE winds were coming and half expected to wake up and call this another wind day. The shore was gravel with a shallow grade, so perfect for walking if you didn't mind having piles of rocks in your shoes. Also covered in various spiky things looking to stick us, locust trees, willow trees, wildflowers, and wild choke cherries!

After just 3 miles, we turned the corner South, and it turned into a different lake. The waves weren't huge like on Peck, Sak, and Oahe, but they were challenging enough. It was the wind though, funneled straight up the lake channel, that really stops you in your tracks.

Walked 5 miles and hoping to finish the next 7 to the dam tomorrow.

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Katherine Marler
Katherine Marler
Sep 19, 2021

How do you handle dogfood needs? Haul it like other supplies?😀


Sep 19, 2021

Go get em Amanda! Oahe Downstream sends their love to you and Hank! 🐾

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