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Veterans' Organizations


All along this adventure, I continue to have people ask how they can help contribute. It's a blessing and a welcome opportunity to direct people to a couple organizations making a big difference.

I'm convinced that I was privileged to be a part of one of the world's most efficient and effective fighting forces, the United States Marine Corps. Looking back, I'm amazed at how we were trained, operated and consistently got the job done.

Some had it when they joined and some developed it along the way, but what we have in common is a drive to serve, a passion to help make the world a better place. It's an adjustment when you get out and lose that mission, sense of purpose and the camaraderie that was so deeply a part of us.

I'm honored to have been a part of it, and the things I learned can't be measured.

The things I lost also can't be measured; innocence, relationships, and health to mention just a few. I'm far from alone in this loss, but I know for many of us, it's hard not to feel alone in trying to process the loss, the grief and the knowledge of evil and what it means to truly make difficult decisions, often as teenagers and very young adults.

When I'm asked how people can help, it's been a hard question for me to answer in the past. Today, my answer is this, and it doesn't have to be financially: Learn about and support organizations that connect veterans and help us help our communities. Help us normalize conversations about tough topics, and ask questions. Love and support help overcome a lot.

Whether financially or otherwise, your openness and contributions are deeply appreciated!

Reel Warrior's Foundation

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