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A River Adventure

Naturally Curious, Unapologetically Adventurous

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How It Got Started

Quick Background and Context

I don't ever want to look back and say I didn't live the life I wanted for any reason. I believe fully in my ongoing quest to live authentically, fearlessly and boldly without apology. 


When I was laid off last fall, it was time for some real reflection on next steps. When I thought of sitting in my house in Wisconsin day after day, I asked myself whether that seemed the best environment for that reflection. It wasn't. I've always wanted to travel the country. There are so many unique and beautiful places in America. We have one of the most diverse and awe-inspiring countries in the world (and I've seen some of the world). 


So, now, I'm wrapping up five months on the road exploring more than 70 cities while living in an RV trailer that I bought when I sold my house. That trip has been everything I could have hoped, but always in the back of my mind, I was planning something else. 


For the last eight months, I've been planning and researching how to successfully travel from the Missouri river headwaters in Three Forks, MT all the way down to the Mississippi outlet in the Gulf of Mexico. As I grew more confident that this was actually going to happen, and started sharing with other folks, many people asked how they could follow my journey. I don't think I can do the epic scenery and life-changing experiences justice, but this blog is at least an attempt. 

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Over 100 days in, I've covered more than 2,000 miles. It's hard to believe, and I think it will take time to fully digest every...

Lexington, MO

What a special treat yesterday. I'm still digesting all that I was privileged to see and learn, and the wonderful people I got to meet in...

Kansas City

Burr! Yesteray was the coldest morning yet at 39゚. Took 3 hours for the sun to come out and the feeling to come back into my fingers and...

Hello, Missouri!

Matt, this one's for you. Population of spiders tripled, snapping turtles, inch worms, daddy long legs, poison ivy, undergrowth you can't...

Omaha, NE

Think I might be in Hawkeye and Husker country. Took a couple days to get from Sioux City to with striking distance of Omaha. Woke up at...

Lower Missouri

Not sure if this will show well, but the locals say the feverishly starling activity indicates fall is here. I'd have to agree. It was 41...

Sioux City

Should make KC in the next 8-12 days! I have reached the lower channelized Missouri river. Was glad not to be on a lake today with the...

Lewis and Clark Done!

That's it! No more reservoirs. This little lake fought back hard. Took more than 3 days to cover just 20 miles with wind and rain. It's...

Lewis and Clark Lake

**Catch up post from 9/27-9/28** Followed the Nebraska/SD border uneventfully with great current for a little over 30 miles before it...

Lake Francis Case Done

9/24 Our magic trick of the day...keeping marginally dry. It rained on us twice, I'm worn out, my face is fried, my fingers won't grip,...

Hello, Nebraska

**Catch up post from 9/26** Hit the border today which I'll travel along all the way to Missouri for the most side SD (or...

Lake Francis Case

**Catch up post from 9/21** Had a couple big days with perfect wind on this lake. Up at 6:30 and on the water a little before 8 most...

Lake Sharpe Done!

It's hard to describe the last 3 days as anything but tough as hell. I'm starting to think these lakes don't want me to finish them....

Lake Sharpe

First days sailing on Lake Sharpe. Not bad, not huge winds, but enough to keep the sail out of the way. Made it 25 miles, and another 18...

Veterans' Organizations

All along this adventure, I continue to have people ask how they can help contribute. It's a blessing and a welcome opportunity to direct...

Pierre, SD

It was beyond great to see that current yesterday. Averaged 4 mph paddling through Pierre. Unfortunately, stuck with winds on a grassy,...

Oahe Done!!!

9/11 With any luck, the day's winds might help me get close to finishing this least that's how my thinking started. For those...

Little Bend Done!

**Catch up post from 9/9-9-10** This may be the only time you hear me be grateful for a SSE wind. Up by 6, we were sailing by 6:30 this...

Sailing Oahe

**Catch up post from 9/7-9/8** Today, with some trepidation, I loaded up and headed out to try to sail. The winds are 15-20 out of the...

Lake Oahe - Round 2

Had a fun paddling companion for a while. While I've learned the prairie rattlers (SD's only venomous snake) can swim, I believe this guy...

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Contact Amanda

Thanks for your interest in my journey. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!


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